Property Detail

Car Service Center in Nuremberg for Sale, Lease Agreement Ends 2028

Car Service Center in Nuremberg for Sale, Lease Agreement Ends 2028

Property type: car service center
Purchase of established rental business

Location: Nuremberg, the state of Bavaria, Germany
• property is located in Nuremberg with a population of about 500,000

Lettable area: ca. 300 m2
Land area: ca. 1,000 m2

Anchor tenant: car service center

Occupancy: 100%

Lease Agreement: until 2028

Possibility of renewal: YES
Rent Review: YES

Purchase price: 1,116,000 EUR
(+ closing costs)

Rental Income: ca. 72,500 EUR per annum
(+ indexation linked to inflation)

Yield: 6.5%

Property Contact

If you are interested in this property and would like to receive more detailed information, please get in touch using the enquiry form below and a company representative will contact you shortly.

[ Note:
- fields marked * are necessary to fill
- telephone should include International Prefix] 03023849 Car Service Center in Nuremberg for Sale, Lease Agreement Ends 2028