Hostels for Sale
Hostels for Sale
The Hostel investment sector is booming in the established markets of Europe and the USA.
Investors may choose to have a solely passive income or alternatively have direct involvement in the operation of the hostel.
We specialise in ‘off market’ hostel deals (deals negotiated privately) with banks providing up to 60% finance.
Investors in this sector enjoy secure returns of between 5% - 9% annually with potential for significant capital appreciation; and return on investment up to 14% per annum (if using bank finance).
Our Hostel Investment Strategy is
• to work closely with well-known hostel brands and operators worldwide. This allows us
to source unique hostels with strong brands in great locations enjoying safe and secure returns
• to ensure that investors in this sector will benefit from the long lease periods, typically 10 – 20 years, entered into with internationally renowned hostel chain operators
• to source quality assets that can be realised by the investor when appropriate
Please search our website for Hostels which fulfill your investment criteria.
Hostels in Austria for Sale
Hostels in Russia for Sale
Hostels in UK for Sale
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