Property Detail

Hotel in Central London for Sale with 70+ Rooms, 25 Year Lease Agreement, Freehold

Hotel in Central London for Sale with 70+ Rooms, 25 Year Lease Agreement, Freehold

Property type: hotel
Purchase of established rental business

Room capacity: 70+

Tenure: freehold

Completion: May 2024

Location: Southwark, Central London, UK

Hotel operator: 25-year lease agreement

well-known hotel operator is ready to sign a new 25-year lease agreement with the new owner:
• with the possibility of a renewal option
• with indexation of yield linked to inflation
• with a bank guarantee
• hotel can only be purchased with a sitting Hotel operator in place

Rental income: ca. 840,000 GBP per annum
(+ index linked to inflation)

Yield: 5.0% per annum

Purchase price: 17,000,000 GBP

(+ closing costs)

Property Contact

If you are interested in this property and would like to receive more detailed information, please get in touch using the enquiry form below and a company representative will contact you shortly.

[ Note:
- fields marked * are necessary to fill
- telephone should include International Prefix] 02013883 Hotel in Central London for Sale with 70+ Rooms, 25 Year Lease Agreement, Freehold