Property Detail

Hotel 4* in Dublin for Sale with 50+ Rooms, Restaurant, Bar

Hotel 4* in Dublin for Sale with 50+ Rooms, Restaurant, Bar

Property type: hotel

Hotel category: 4*

Room capacity: 50+

Location: Dublin, Ireland

∙ hotel is located in Dublin, close to the city centre

Hotel operator: long-term agreement
∙ long-term management agreement with a Hotel operator
∙ hotel can only be purchased with the sitting Hotel operator in place

Purchase price: offers in excess of 30,000,000 euro
(+ closing costs)

Amenities and other defining features:
∙ guest rooms with high quality design, fitted with personal bathroom, hairdryer, satellite TV, tea/coffee maker
∙ restaurant
∙ bar
∙ free Wi-Fi
∙ 24-hour front desk
∙ luggage storage

Property Contact

If you are interested in this property and would like to receive more detailed information, please get in touch using the enquiry form below and a company representative will contact you shortly.

[ Note:
- fields marked * are necessary to fill
- telephone should include International Prefix] 09013287 Hotel 4* in Dublin for Sale with 50+ Rooms, Restaurant, Bar