Shopping Centre in the State of Burgenland for Sale, 5-10 Year Lease Agreements
Property type: shopping centre
Purchase of established rental business
Location: the State of Burgenland, Austria
Construction year: 2018
Lettable area: ca. 7,400 m2
Plot size: ca. 27,600 m2
Car parking: 50+ spaces
Tenants: 2 largest food suppliers, fashion shops, beauty salon, cafe, stationery store, electronics store, gift shop, etc.
Occupancy: 100%
Terms of lease agreements: 5-10 years
Possibility of renewal: YES
Rent Review: YES
Purchase price: 20,000,000 EUR
(+ closing costs)
Rental Income: 945,900 EUR per annum
(+ indexation linked to inflation)
Yield: 4.7%
Possibility of Share Deal:
• acquisition of the shares of the company that owns the property
• in case of Share Deal there is no obligation to pay property transfer tax